Climbing the Riegersburg with a view - Impression #1 | © Marktgemeinde Riegersburg/Der Ferder

Climbing the Riegersburg with a view


If you go for a summery walk here, you will have the imposing Riegersburg castle in your field of view the whole way up.

Regardless of whether you choose the leisurely castle path or the sporty walk up the natural rocky path to the castle: exciting perspectives of Riegersburg Castle are always a guarantee. Around the castle, numerous gourmet establishments are waiting to be visited; whether it is juicy ham at Vulcano, fine brandies at Gölles, or fine wines at the winegrowers of the regions. The history of viticulture at Riegersburg Castle can be traced back to the 16th century. Even then, the fertile potential of the rock was recognised. Today, the summer resort around the Riegersburg is particularly tasty.

Summer resort tip: Refreshment with a view: linger in the vineyard, switch off and refuel deliciously. At the Kulinarium Steiermark inn "Wippl's Hofbergstubn" all sun lovers are rewarded. On the one hand with beautiful seats on the wooden terrace, on the other with regional culinary delights to write home about: from sour beetle beans to beef salad from Styria to sweet Spagatkrapfen. Here you can truly cook and eat with (cultural) enjoyment... Always in your view: the proud Riegersburg Castle.

What the weather will be like

Riegersburg (372m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
16°C 31°C