Bee and Forest educational trail Passail - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Bee and Forest educational trail Passail


On the bee and forest nature trail in Passail, everything revolves around our honey producers. Of course, the bees also need flowers, forests and meadows for honey.

On the way you will learn interesting facts about our local forest, the world of bees and the bee father Karl Kreiner with his Almenland beekeeping. There are also wonderful viewpoints over the Passailer Kessel.

As the name suggests, everything on the bee and forest nature trail revolves around these two topics.

The approx. 4 km long nature trail starts in the center of Passail and goes over the Lindenberg, past the Lindenberg Church and the Almenland Apiary Kreiner, back to the starting point. Here you get an insight into the world of bees. There are beehives with information boards along the way, including the beekeeping. No one can be visited directly on the way and tasted some products.

The nature trail also deals with the subject of "forest". Native tree species are presented and hikers get an insight into the health paradise and feel-good place of the forest.

Take advantage of the opportunity and travel by public transport.


Tourismusverein Passail
Gabriele Reiterer
Markt 1
8162 Passail
Moile (0043) 664/35 54 931

What the weather will be like

Passail (653m)

very sunny
14°C 28°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 28°C