Bike Riding R37 Noric cycle path - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Murau Bike Riding R37 Noric cycle path - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Murau

R37 Noric cycle path

The Norische cycle path leads from the parking lot in St. Marein near Neumarkt via the Hammerl and St. Veit in the area to Mühlen.
The final stop is at the Hörfeldmoor in Mühlen. The Ramsar protected area is a wetland of international importance. Located between Mühlen and Hüttenberg, it is home to 500 different butterfly and moth species and 125 bird species. A hiking trail leads around the moor and invites you to explore the mysterious originality of millennia-old stories.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
15,3 km
1:18 h
331 hm
219 hm
1024 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Continue straight on until you reach Neumarkt. Shortly after Neumarkt you will find St. Marein bei Neumarkt.

Coming from Tamsweg drive via Ranten (or Stadl an der Mur) to Murau. Here keep right and drive via Laßnitz and St. Lambrecht to Mariahof. Here turn right again and drive to Neumarkt. Shortly after Neumarkt you will find St. Marein bei Neumarkt.

You start in St. Marein bei Neumarkt and follow the cycle path in the direction of Carinthia until Hammerl. From there you go straight on to Tauchendorf. Once in Tauchendorf, keep to the right in the direction of St. Veit in der Gegend. In Gstein one drives over Aich to Mühlen. At the entrance to the village, turn right along the B 92 in the direction of Hörfeld Moor.
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ÖBB | Verbundlinie Steiermark

Parking spaces are available directly in the center of Neumarkt.
The ideal time for this tour is from April to October. Information brochures are available at the various information offices.


What the weather will be like

Neumarkt in der Steiermark (834m)

very sunny
12°C 28°C
14°C 28°C
14°C 27°C
Naturpark-Bank | © Alpengasthof Moser - ArisMedia

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