Mountain Biking Pond round - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Murau Mountain Biking Pond round - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Murau

Pond round

This is a beautiful mountain bike tour with many impressions of nature!
The leisurely tour will reveal scenic, picturesque panoramas as well as some swimming opportunities. Thus, a fabulous Bike & Swim day is offered. Afterwards, the monastery of St. Lambrecht can be visited in St. Lambrecht. Sport and culture in one.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
38,4 km
3:50 h
659 hm
659 hm
1180 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Turn right here and drive to Teufenbach. In Teufenbach turn left towards Mariahof and then right to St. Lambrecht.

Coming from Tamsweg drive via Ranten (or Stadl an der Mur) to Murau. Turn right here and drive via Laßnitz to St. Lambrecht.

After the start at the monastery, the route runs via Heiligenstadt to the Thajagraben to St. Blasen. From there is goes over forest roads and asphalt up towards Podoler. From there it rolls gently downhill towards Mariahof golf course. From here, after a short climb, the first cooling off already awaits us at the Furtnerteich. The rest of the route continues uphill via Mühldorf to Pöllau. Along the route there are further opportunities to stop for refreshments, before the route continues slightly downhill via Zeutschach to the Graslupp bathing pond. From here you cycle along the edge of the Kalkberg via the Muhrenteich and slightly uphill via the Podolerteich back to the Thajagraben. The developed cycle path leads from here always slightly uphill until back to the starting point.

TIP: In front of Neumarkt station, a shortcur can be taken directly up to the Graslupppond.

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ÖBB | Verbundlinie Steiermark

Public parking is available at the St. Lambrecht Abbey, the market area or the market pond.
The ideal time for this round offer the months of May to October. Information brochures are available at the various information offices.


What the weather will be like

St. Lambrecht (1023m)

very sunny
12°C 26°C
13°C 27°C
14°C 26°C
Naturpark-Bank | © Alpengasthof Moser - ArisMedia

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