Kleine Winterwanderung um den Badesee in Krakaudorf.
This easy winter hike promises snowy landscapes and a fascinating view of Krakow. This hike is also the perfect way to get to know Krakowdorf better.
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East: From Vienna on the A 2 and S 6 to Leoben and St. Michael i. d. E., continue on the S 36 to Judenburg and on the B 96 to Murau. From Murau via Ranten to Krakau..
West, North: From Bregenz/Innsbruck via the A 12, A 93 and A 8 to Salzburg. From Salzburg on the A 10 to St. Michael im Lungau. From here on the B 96 to Tamsweg and further towards Murau via Sauerfeld to Krakau..
South: From Klagenfurt on the B 83 to Scheifling. Then take the B 96 to Murau and on to Krakau..
From the municipal office you go northwest, along the slightly rising municipal road to the turnoff to the swimming lake. Past the saw, at the wooden bench left on a gravel path to the swimming lake. Now along the shore around the lake. Past the Seestube inn (refreshments available), along the slightly rising gravel path and at the top on the same path back to the starting point.
If there is enough ice, ice skating and curling are possible at the swimming lake.
With the BusBahnBim app from the interconnected line, timetable information is easier than ever before: all bus, train and tram connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.
ÖBB www.oebb.at | Styria connection line www.busbahnbim.at
Public parking spaces are available directly at the Krakow municipal office.
Winterwandern | © Tourismusverband Murau | Klothilde Schnedl
Krakau | © Tourismusverband Murau | Tom Lamm
Winterwandern | © Tourismusverband Murau | tricky.pics
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