Graggerschlucht und Kaskadenwasserfall - Impression #1 | © Naturpark Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen

Graggerschlucht und Kaskadenwasserfall

Neumarkt in der Steiermark

The "bionic island" is the starting point for a hike through the wildly romantic gorge "Graggerschlucht". There is a parking lot in Mühldorf, in St. Marein/Neumarkt. From there you need about 2 hours of walking time for the hike.

The powerful swoosh of the mountain stream accompanies the visitor up to the cascade waterfall. Halfway through the ruins of an old mill, a wooden lounger invites you to pause. On the way you can have a small snack at Zecki's hut. There is a large motor activity playground by the hut, which can be used free of charge when something is consumed.

Treasure hunt with geocaches: Along the gorge "Graggerschlucht" you can look for hidden treasures together with the children.


Tourismusverband Murau
Liechtensteinstraße 3-5
8850 Murau

What the weather will be like

Neumarkt in der Steiermark (834m)

very sunny
12°C 28°C
14°C 28°C
14°C 27°C