Country store for usable and unusable goods - Impression #1

Country store for usable and unusable goods

St. Lambrecht

The country store custom and useless, offers various souvenirs, hunting, ceramics, tea & accessories, gift items, delicacies and much more.

It was the enthusiasm for all the beautiful and good things, made by hobby artists and amateur chefs from the region, to open this store.

The products range from inexpensive "Lambrechter Mitbringsel" to small and larger treasures, such as self-designed and handmade handbags from high-quality materials. Natural honey, homemade jams and chutneys, as well as high-quality schnapps and liqueurs complete the assortment. In addition, you can find many small and larger works of art (very often unique pieces).


Elfi Weissofner
Hauptstraße 49
8813 St. Lambrecht

What the weather will be like

St. Lambrecht (1023m)

very sunny
12°C 26°C
13°C 27°C
14°C 26°C