A beautiful beech forest path runs between Unterer and Oberer Leiten.
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From the west: Tauernautobahn A 10 to the Ennstal junction - exit in the direction of Graz/Schladming - around 20 km on the Ennstal main road to Schladming - Ramsau junction From the north: Pyhrnautobahn in the direction of Liezen Ennstalbundesstraße to Schladming - Ramsau junction
Forest path between Untere Leiten (Hotel Kielhuberhof) and Reiterhof Brandstätter or circular route via Obere Leiten.
Ramsau Kulm Infobüro Ramsau am Dachstein
buchenweg_img_1954844 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Tourismusverband Ramsau am Dachstein
What the weather will be like
Ramsau am Dachstein (1137m)
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