From the Sebastianikirche we walk across meadows and along the edge of the forest along the Rosenkranzweg until we come to the crossroads in the Habertheuer. Here we continue straight ahead, always along the rosary stations with the herb gardens. At the last part of the Sebastianiweg we already have a wonderful view of Mariazell and the basilica
(Mariazeller AUGENblicke - Buschniggweg)
At the crossroads Viktor-Lang-Gasse/Schießstattgasse we turn left and after a short steep ascent we reach the Kalvarienberg (Mariazeller AUGENblicke - Kalvarienberg).
From the Kalvarienberg we now descend via the Kreuzweg and the Hl.-Brunn-Gasse to the Hauptplatz Mariazell and further to the Apotheke zur Gnadenmutter, where we can immediately experience the effect of the medicinal herbs for ourselves :-)
And here you can read the blog report of Fred Lindmoser.