"palmars" cafe.bar - Impression #1 | © Walzi Palmar

"palmars" cafe.bar


The palmars, located directly on Kapfenberger Hauptplatz, offers everything you would expect from a classic bar.

Opening hours, distance rule, etc. – General conditions apply
the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection!

Cocktails, a large number of wines served by the glass, craft beers, coffee specialties and an extensive range of spirits. In summer, a large seating garden enriches the ambience in the center of Kapfenberg's old town. Casual atmosphere.   

Seats inside: 35
Seats outside: 40

Health and security measures

  • Employees are informed about prevention and hygiene measures and correct behaviour when Covid19 symptoms or infections appear
  • Employees wear surgical masks
  • Sensitizing of employees to meet min. distance rules
  • Distance rules are kept


Walter Palmar
Koloman Wallisch-Platz 8
8605 Kapfenberg

What the weather will be like

Kapfenberg (501m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 32°C
slightly cloudy
16°C 30°C