Zifko Maria, Austrian Guide, geprüfte Fremdenführerin - Impression #1 | © Maria Zifko

Zifko Maria, Austrian Guide, geprüfte Fremdenführerin

Bruck an der Mur

Bruck an der Mur - Kornmess meets Riverside, Renaissance meets Gothic

Nature and culture form a harmonious symbiosis in the town at the confluence of the Mur and Mürz rivers. Situated in the middle of Styria, the town captures the hearts of its visitors with a successful mix of classic architecture and contemporary events.the Kornmesserhaus is one of the most beautiful Gothic secular buildings in Austria and the Eiserne Brunnen is a jewel of the Kornmesserstadt in the Renaissance style. Both highlights adorn the second largest inner-city square in Austria.


"Classic city tour" - duration 1.5 hours
Extended tour - "Kornmess meets Riverside" with cafe break, duration 3 hours Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Maria Zifko
Aflenz Kurort 136
8623 Aflenz

What the weather will be like

Bruck an der Mur (486m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 32°C
slightly cloudy
16°C 30°C