Heiligen-Brunn-Kapelle - Impression #1 | © TV Hochsteiermark



Chapel of the Holy Spring
The Chapel of the Holy Spring was constructed near to the basilica in 1711 by Abbot Anton Stroz of Saint Lambrecht.

The St. Brunn Chapel not far from the basilica was built in 1711 by the Abbot of St. Lambrecht Anton Stroz. The spring is said to have healing power for eye diseases.

A seated Madonna and Child from the 15th century is integrated into the Baroque altar, and statues of St. Joachim and Anna, Mary's parents, stand to the right and left.

The healing water flows from jugs held by angels on both sides of the altar. One enters the two-bay rectangular building through a portal with a triangular pediment. Inside, the view falls on a mirrored ceiling with a comprehensive cornice on flat pilasters. In the center of the triangular fresco, the Holy Spirit hovers above the waters.

All other depictions also relate to the healing spring: Moses beating water from the rock, Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well, Naaman bathing in the Jordan River, and the healing of the man born blind at the Pool of Shiloah. In the fall of 2009, the extensive restoration was begun.


Basilika Mariazell
Pater Michael Staberl
Benedictusplatz 1
8630 Mariazell

What the weather will be like

Mariazell (860m)

very sunny
12°C 27°C
14°C 29°C
14°C 27°C