
Marktgemeinde Vordernberg
Hauptplatz 2
8794 Vordernberg +43 3849 206 +43 3849 206 18 Send email Website
What guests can look forward to
About the region
365 days a year pure adventure awaits on Präbichl. In summer, the Alpfox adventure Park offers a great variety of exciting experiences like soaring over Grübelsee, Europe's highest diving centre, on the zipline „Flying Foxi“, improving your skills in the E-Trial Park or racing down the slopes on a mountain cart. Hikers find an attractive, varied area. The peak of Polster offers unimagined views of the Eisenerz Alps and the Hochschwab area and is a popular starting point for a wide variety of hikes and mountain tours, as well as for hang-gliding and paragliding in a unique natural landscape. A popular route to one of the most famous peaks in the region, the Eisenerzer Reichenstein, also starts from Präbichl. Once at the top, you enjoy breathtaking sunsets and delicious food from the charcoal grill.
With its modern and comfortable lifts and slopes, the Präbichl ski area is an attraction for young and old during winter season. Kids enjoy the magical slopes in „Schlumperwald“, families have fun on the Grübl-slopes and the Funslope and sports enthusiast try their skills on the different skiroutes. For those wanting toi improve their skills, the Alpfox Berg- und Skischule offers different skiing courses, one may even take a snowbike lesson to „ride“ downhill.
Further down in the valley, in the heart of Vordernberg, many buildings bear witness to the times when Vordernberg was the center of ore smelting, such as the „Radwerk IV“, the only preserved and fully equipped charcoal blast furnace and thus an industrial monument of the first order. Supported by Archduke Johann, the Steiermärkisch-Ständische Montanlehranstalt (today's Montanuniversität Leoben) was founded in Vordernberg.