Snowshoe walking Sonnschienalm - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG Snowshoe walking Sonnschienalm - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG


A wintry hike across the Hochschwab karst plateau to the Sonnschienhütte.
A snowshoe hike to the Sonnschienalm is a good way to experience the Hochschwab region in winter as well. The ascent is via the "Russenstraße" - so called because it was built by Russian prisoners during the First World War. The tour over 690 meters of altitude and a length of about 12 km is also suitable for inexperienced snowshoe hikers with good physical condition, because it leads continuously over a forest road. It is a special experience to hike across the karstic plateau in front of the backdrop of the Hochschwab area. It is also nice to plan this tour in spring. You can then ascend via the snow-free road and hike on the plateau with your snowshoes. At the Sonnschienhütte you can usually find a warm room and food even in winter after the ascent.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
12,7 km
5:00 h
690 hm
690 hm
1543 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Bruck an der Mur via the L111 to Tragöß-Oberort and further to the parking lot in the Jassinggraben (28 km, approx. 35 minutes).

By car for snowshoeing - a few things to watch out for!

  • Good winter tires are an absolute MUST!
  • Ice scraper, snow broom, de-icer for the door locks and a small shovel belong to the basic equipment.
  • Put snow chains and a tow rope in the car, even if you are not good with them yourself. Helping and knowledgeable hikers are always available on the mountain!
  • Clear the car completely of snow and ice, especially sweep off the roof of the car completely.
  • When parking, make sure you leave room for other motorists.
  • Always park so that the rest of the roadway remains clear for cars, logging trucks, and snow removal vehicles.
  • Find out about the snow situation on the access road or parking facilities before setting off. (hut host, webcams)
The starting point of our snowshoe tour is the Jassing parking lot. We start with hiking trail 836, which leads us downhill for a short distance at first, but then immediately turn onto the "Russenstraße", a wide forest road, which also serves as an access road to the Sonnschien refuge. Since the refuge is basically open also in winter, we can hike comfortably on the mostly continuous skidoo track. The road leads us along below the stable wall to the avalanche path, which can be passed without difficulty if it is prepared by the hut keeper. We reach the Sonnschientörl, 1374 m, and continue to our destination, the Sonnschienhütte, 1523 m.  At this level, the winter marking by means of snow poles serves as an orientation aid. The descent generally leads us back via the ascent route - in good visibility we can shorten the way to Sonnschientörl via the Sandriedl ski route.
The given walking time is to be understood as a guideline, as it depends on the snow conditions, the terrain and the presence of a track. The individual condition and stamina during strenuous trail work also play an important role. Sometimes the duration of the tour can change considerably due to large amounts of new snow, broken slush, soft sulzing snow, etc.
General information about public transport in the region:
Parking lot Jassing (903m), past the Green Lake into the Jassinggraben. From Oberort-Tragöß (793m) to the Green Lake about 2 km and to the parking lot Jassing still about 3.5 km.

Directions to the parking lot

Stop for refreshments and overnight stays:

Seehof Wenninger, Tel.: +43 699 1149 1720, 8612 Tragöß, Oberort 45,

Hoamat Coffee, Tel.: +43 676 9466 562, 8612 Tragöß-Oberort 45

Gasthof zur Post, Tel.: +43 3868 8203, 8612 Tragöß-Oberort 10

Refreshment stops along the way:

Sonnschienhütte, Tel.: +43 664 5112 474, 8612 St. Kathrein an der Laming, Schattenberg 105,

Jassinghütte, Tel.: +43 3868 20065, 8612 Tragöß, Schattenberg 128

WK 041 Hochschwab - Veitschalpe - Eisenerz - Bruck an der Mur, Wanderkarte 1:50.000

Sarcletti S., Zienitzer E., (2. Auflage 2018): Schneeschuhführer Steiermark – Vom Dachstein bis zum Steirischen Weinland. Bergverlag Rother GmbH, München, S. 176. Für weitere Infos hier klicken.

Tour 35 im Rother Schneeschuhführer Steiermark

Schneeweiß C., (2012): Schneeschuhgehen – Praxiswissen vom Profi zu Ausrüstung, Technik und Sicherheit. Bruckmann Verlag GmbH, München, S.192


What the weather will be like

Tragöß-Sankt Katharein (650m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
15°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C

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