Winter Hiking Großer Schober - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG Winter Hiking Großer Schober - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG

Großer Schober

A challenging snowshoe tour on the big Schober with a magnificent 360° panoramic view of the Styrian mountains.
Wald am Schoberpass is the place from where the Palten River flows north and the Liesing River flows south. This is an important transport link connecting not only the Enns Valley with the Mur Valley, but the whole of northern and southern Europe, better known as the "guest worker route". This valley is the natural dividing line between the Eisenerz and Seckau Alps with many impressive peaks. One of them is the Große Schober. Since the tour starts directly in the village, we can strap on our snowshoes only outside the village area. The first part of our snowshoe hike - up to the Schwarzbeeralm - is also suitable for beginners, as you mainly move on forest roads. Sporty ambitious hikers with good condition and alpine experience will be rewarded by the magnificent view after 1100 meters of altitude.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
13,3 km
6:30 h
1050 hm
1050 hm
1895 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Rottenmann via the Pyhrn Autobahn A9 to Wald am Schoberpaß (30 km, approx. 20 minutes)

From St. Michael in Upper Styria via the Pyhrn Autobahn A9 to Wald am Schoberpaß (33 km, approx. 25 minutes)

By car to snowshoe hiking - a few things to watch out for!

  • Good winter tires are an absolute MUST!
  • Ice scraper, snow broom, de-icer for the door locks and a small shovel belong to the basic equipment.
  • Put snow chains and a tow rope in the car, even if you are not good with them yourself. Helping and knowledgeable hikers are always available on the mountain!
  • Clear the car completely of snow and ice, especially sweep off the roof of the car completely.
  • When parking, make sure you leave room for other motorists.
  • Always park so that the rest of the roadway remains clear for cars, logging trucks, and snow removal vehicles.
  • Find out about the snow situation on the access road or parking facilities before setting off. (hut host, webcams)
As a starting point we choose the Gasthof Fink in Wald am Schoberpass, 841 m. From here we walk in the direction of the church, turn right at the first junction and follow the road to the railroad overpass, where we turn right again. Before we get to the green marked Nordic Walking path on the left, we strap on our snowshoes. We now hike along this path until we come to a forest road and walk uphill on this until we reach the red signpost "Feuer.Schwarzbergalm", 1288 m, on the right. We now follow this until we reach the Schwarzbeeralm, 1425 m. From now on we walk along the tracks of the ski tourers until we reach our destination. After crossing a steep slope we reach a saddle from where we can already see the summit cross of the Großer Schober, 1895 m. The descent is easy. The descent is the same as the ascent until the fork below the Schwarzbeeralm. At the fork we see a marking on a tree on the opposite side of the road. There we now take the steeper hiking trail back to Wald am Schoberpass.
The first part of this snowshoe hike - up to the Schwarzbeeralm 1425m - is also recommended as an easy snowshoe hike.
General information about public transport in the region:
Parking lot at Gasthof Fink in Wald am Schoberpaß (849m)

Directions to the parking lot


Community Wald am Schoberpaß, Tel. +43 3834 700-0,

Refreshments and overnight accommodations:

Gasthof Fink, 8781 Wald am Schoberpaß, Wald am Schoberpaß 63, Tel. +43 3834 228,

Freytag Berndt Wanderkarten, WK 062, Gesäuse - Ennstaler Alpen - Schoberpass

Sarcletti S., Zienitzer E., (2. Auflage 2018): Schneeschuhführer Steiermark – Vom Dachstein bis zum Steirischen Weinland. Bergverlag Rother GmbH, München, S. 176. Für weitere Infos hier klicken.

 Tour Nr. 28 im Rother Schneeschuhführer Steiermark

Schneeweiß C., (2012): Schneeschuhgehen – Praxiswissen vom Profi zu Ausrüstung, Technik und Sicherheit. Bruckmann Verlag GmbH, München, S.192


What the weather will be like

Wald am Schoberpaß (847m)

very sunny
11°C 28°C
14°C 29°C
slightly cloudy
14°C 27°C

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