Marterlweg Route 4 (yellow)
The Marterlweg comprises 4 different routes and is located in the
The Marterlweg in the municipality of Kammern im Liesingtal, Styria, is extremely interesting from both a scenic and a cultural point of view.
Each wayside shrine tells its own story and is usually located along the path or on private property. The wayside shrines are lovingly cared for by their owners all year round.
The eventful Route 4 starts in the Seiz district at the Rüsthaus and offers a perfect excursion for the whole family.
A detailed description of the wayside shrines/crosses can be found in the Marterlweg map, which is also available online or can be taken free of charge at the market square.
Description of the wayside shrines and wayside shrines
What the weather will be like
Kammern im Liesingtal (671m)