A fine afternoon hike to enjoy the winter. Whether you take the same path back through the forest or the easier accompanying path to the main road is up to you.
Between Wörschach and Niederhofen you will discover this fine trail through the forest along rock walls and a nice brook, which is fortunately not only reserved for blue bloods. In Niederhofen you will return near the Friedstein Castle. Here you have the choice how to start the way back. The same way back through the forest or the somewhat easier, flatter way along the accompanying road to the main road - just as you like or your feet still want.
The Natur.Kraft.Plätze are located along this hike. ‘Wasserquelle’ in front of the municipal office, “Felsenwasserplatz” and “Kalvarienberg” near Friedstein Castle. You can find more information at www.schladming-dachstein.at/naturkraftplaetze
What the weather will be like
Wörschach (651m)