* Pimcore
* This source file is available under two different licenses:
* - GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
* - Pimcore Commercial License (PCL)
* Full copyright and license information is available in
* LICENSE.md which is distributed with this source code.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Pimcore GmbH (http://www.pimcore.org)
* @license http://www.pimcore.org/license GPLv3 and PCL
namespace Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Controller\Admin\DataObject;
use Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Controller\Admin\ElementControllerBase;
use Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Controller\Traits\AdminStyleTrait;
use Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Controller\Traits\ApplySchedulerDataTrait;
use Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Helper\GridHelperService;
use Pimcore\Bundle\AdminBundle\Security\CsrfProtectionHandler;
use Pimcore\Controller\KernelControllerEventInterface;
use Pimcore\Controller\Traits\ElementEditLockHelperTrait;
use Pimcore\Db;
use Pimcore\Event\Admin\ElementAdminStyleEvent;
use Pimcore\Event\AdminEvents;
use Pimcore\Localization\LocaleServiceInterface;
use Pimcore\Logger;
use Pimcore\Model;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\ManyToManyObjectRelation;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Relations\AbstractRelations;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\ReverseObjectRelation;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\PreviewGeneratorInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\Element;
use Pimcore\Model\Element\ElementInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\Schedule\Task;
use Pimcore\Model\Version;
use Pimcore\Tool;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Attribute\AttributeBagInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ControllerEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
* @Route("/object", name="pimcore_admin_dataobject_dataobject_")
* @internal
class DataObjectController extends ElementControllerBase implements KernelControllerEventInterface
use AdminStyleTrait;
use ElementEditLockHelperTrait;
use ApplySchedulerDataTrait;
use DataObjectActionsTrait;
* @var DataObject\Service
protected DataObject\Service $_objectService;
* @var array
private array $objectData = [];
* @var array
private array $metaData = [];
private array $classFieldDefinitions = [];
* @Route("/tree-get-childs-by-id", name="treegetchildsbyid", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @param EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
* @return JsonResponse
public function treeGetChildsByIdAction(Request $request, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
$allParams = array_merge($request->request->all(), $request->query->all());
$filter = $request->get('filter');
$object = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('node'));
$objectTypes = [DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER];
$objects = [];
$cv = false;
$offset = $total = $limit = $filteredTotalCount = 0;
if ($object instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$class = $object->getClass();
if ($class->getShowVariants()) {
$objectTypes = DataObject::$types;
if ($object->hasChildren($objectTypes)) {
$offset = (int)$request->get('start');
$limit = (int)$request->get('limit', 100000000);
if ($view = $request->get('view', false)) {
$cv = Element\Service::getCustomViewById($request->get('view'));
if (!is_null($filter)) {
if (substr($filter, -1) != '*') {
$filter .= '*';
$filter = str_replace('*', '%', $filter);
$limit = 100;
$childrenList = new DataObject\Listing();
$childrenList->setCondition($this->buildChildrenCondition($object, $filter, $view));
if ($object->getChildrenSortBy() === 'index') {
$childrenList->setOrderKey('objects.o_index ASC', false);
} else {
'CAST(objects.o_%s AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) COLLATE utf8_general_ci %s',
$object->getChildrenSortBy(), $object->getChildrenSortOrder()
Element\Service::addTreeFilterJoins($cv, $childrenList);
$beforeListLoadEvent = new GenericEvent($this, [
'list' => $childrenList,
'context' => $allParams,
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($beforeListLoadEvent, AdminEvents::OBJECT_LIST_BEFORE_LIST_LOAD);
/** @var DataObject\Listing $childrenList */
$childrenList = $beforeListLoadEvent->getArgument('list');
$children = $childrenList->load();
$filteredTotalCount = $childrenList->getTotalCount();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$objectTreeNode = $this->getTreeNodeConfig($child);
// this if is obsolete since as long as the change with #11714 about list on line 175-179 are working fine, we already filter the list=1 there
if ($objectTreeNode['permissions']['list'] == 1) {
$objects[] = $objectTreeNode;
//pagination for custom view
$total = $cv
? $filteredTotalCount
: $object->getChildAmount(null, $this->getAdminUser());
//Hook for modifying return value - e.g. for changing permissions based on object data
//data need to wrapped into a container in order to pass parameter to event listeners by reference so that they can change the values
$event = new GenericEvent($this, [
'objects' => $objects,
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($event, AdminEvents::OBJECT_TREE_GET_CHILDREN_BY_ID_PRE_SEND_DATA);
$objects = $event->getArgument('objects');
if ($limit) {
return $this->adminJson([
'offset' => $offset,
'limit' => $limit,
'total' => $total,
'overflow' => !is_null($filter) && ($filteredTotalCount > $limit),
'nodes' => $objects,
'fromPaging' => (int)$request->get('fromPaging'),
'filter' => $request->get('filter') ? $request->get('filter') : '',
'inSearch' => (int)$request->get('inSearch'),
return $this->adminJson($objects);
* @param DataObject\AbstractObject $object
* @param string|null $filter
* @param string|null $view
* @return string
private function buildChildrenCondition(DataObject\AbstractObject $object, ?string $filter, ?string $view): string
$condition = "objects.o_parentId = '" . $object->getId() . "'";
// custom views start
if ($view) {
$cv = Element\Service::getCustomViewById($view);
if (!empty($cv['classes'])) {
$cvConditions = [];
$cvClasses = $cv['classes'];
foreach ($cvClasses as $key => $cvClass) {
$cvConditions[] = "objects.o_classId = '" . $key . "'";
$cvConditions[] = "objects.o_type = 'folder'";
$condition .= ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $cvConditions) . ')';
// custom views end
if (!$this->getAdminUser()->isAdmin()) {
$userIds = $this->getAdminUser()->getRoles();
$currentUserId = $this->getAdminUser()->getId();
$userIds[] = $currentUserId;
$inheritedPermission = $object->getDao()->isInheritingPermission('list', $userIds);
$anyAllowedRowOrChildren = 'EXISTS(SELECT list FROM users_workspaces_object uwo WHERE userId IN (' . implode(',', $userIds) . ') AND list=1 AND LOCATE(CONCAT(objects.o_path,objects.o_key),cpath)=1 AND
NOT EXISTS(SELECT list FROM users_workspaces_object WHERE userId =' . $currentUserId . ' AND list=0 AND cpath = uwo.cpath))';
$isDisallowedCurrentRow = 'EXISTS(SELECT list FROM users_workspaces_object WHERE userId IN (' . implode(',', $userIds) . ') AND cid = objects.o_id AND list=0)';
$condition .= ' AND IF(' . $anyAllowedRowOrChildren . ',1,IF(' . $inheritedPermission . ', ' . $isDisallowedCurrentRow . ' = 0, 0)) = 1';
if (!is_null($filter)) {
$db = Db::get();
$condition .= ' AND CAST(objects.o_key AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8) COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE ' . $db->quote($filter);
return $condition;
* @param ElementInterface $element
* @return array
* @throws \Exception
protected function getTreeNodeConfig($element): array
/** @var DataObject $child */
$child = $element;
$tmpObject = [
'id' => $child->getId(),
'idx' => (int)$child->getIndex(),
'key' => $child->getKey(),
'sortBy' => $child->getChildrenSortBy(),
'sortOrder' => $child->getChildrenSortOrder(),
'text' => htmlspecialchars($child->getKey()),
'type' => $child->getType(),
'path' => $child->getRealFullPath(),
'basePath' => $child->getRealPath(),
'elementType' => 'object',
'locked' => $child->isLocked(),
'lockOwner' => $child->getLocked() ? true : false,
$allowedTypes = [DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER];
if ($child instanceof DataObject\Concrete && $child->getClass()->getShowVariants()) {
$allowedTypes[] = DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT;
$hasChildren = $child->getDao()->hasChildren($allowedTypes, null, $this->getAdminUser());
$tmpObject['allowDrop'] = false;
$tmpObject['isTarget'] = true;
if ($tmpObject['type'] != DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT) {
$tmpObject['allowDrop'] = true;
$tmpObject['allowChildren'] = true;
$tmpObject['leaf'] = !$hasChildren;
$tmpObject['cls'] = 'pimcore_class_icon ';
if ($child instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$tmpObject['published'] = $child->isPublished();
$tmpObject['className'] = $child->getClass()->getName();
if (!$child->isPublished()) {
$tmpObject['cls'] .= 'pimcore_unpublished ';
$tmpObject['allowVariants'] = $child->getClass()->getAllowVariants();
$this->addAdminStyle($child, ElementAdminStyleEvent::CONTEXT_TREE, $tmpObject);
$tmpObject['expanded'] = !$hasChildren;
$tmpObject['permissions'] = $child->getUserPermissions($this->getAdminUser());
if ($child->isLocked()) {
$tmpObject['cls'] .= 'pimcore_treenode_locked ';
if ($child->getLocked()) {
$tmpObject['cls'] .= 'pimcore_treenode_lockOwner ';
if ($tmpObject['leaf']) {
$tmpObject['expandable'] = false;
$tmpObject['leaf'] = false; //this is required to allow drag&drop
$tmpObject['expanded'] = true;
$tmpObject['loaded'] = true;
return $tmpObject;
* @Route("/get-id-path-paging-info", name="getidpathpaginginfo", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function getIdPathPagingInfoAction(Request $request): JsonResponse
$path = $request->get('path');
$pathParts = explode('/', $path);
$id = (int) array_pop($pathParts);
$limit = $request->get('limit');
if (empty($limit)) {
$limit = 30;
$data = [];
$targetObject = DataObject::getById($id);
$object = $targetObject;
while ($parent = $object->getParent()) {
$list = new DataObject\Listing();
$list->setCondition('o_parentId = ?', $parent->getId());
$total = $list->getTotalCount();
$info = [
'total' => $total,
if ($total > $limit) {
$idList = $list->loadIdList();
$position = array_search($object->getId(), $idList);
$info['position'] = $position + 1;
$info['page'] = ceil($info['position'] / $limit);
$data[$parent->getId()] = $info;
$object = $parent;
return $this->adminJson($data);
* @Route("/get", name="get", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @param EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
* @param PreviewGeneratorInterface $defaultPreviewGenerator
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function getAction(Request $request, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, PreviewGeneratorInterface $defaultPreviewGenerator): JsonResponse
$objectId = (int)$request->get('id');
$objectFromDatabase = DataObject\Concrete::getById($objectId);
if ($objectFromDatabase === null) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => 'element_not_found'], JsonResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
$objectFromDatabase = clone $objectFromDatabase;
// set the latest available version for editmode
$draftVersion = null;
$object = $this->getLatestVersion($objectFromDatabase, $draftVersion);
// check for lock
if ($object->isAllowed('save') || $object->isAllowed('publish') || $object->isAllowed('unpublish') || $object->isAllowed('delete')) {
if (Element\Editlock::isLocked($objectId, 'object')) {
return $this->getEditLockResponse($objectId, 'object');
Element\Editlock::lock($request->get('id'), 'object');
// we need to know if the latest version is published or not (a version), because of lazy loaded fields in $this->getDataForObject()
$objectFromVersion = $object !== $objectFromDatabase;
if ($object->isAllowed('view')) {
$objectData = [];
/** -------------------------------------------------------------
* Load some general data from published object (if existing)
* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
$objectData['idPath'] = Element\Service::getIdPath($objectFromDatabase);
$linkGeneratorReference = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getLinkGeneratorReference();
$previewGenerator = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getPreviewGenerator();
if (empty($previewGenerator) && !empty($linkGeneratorReference)) {
$previewGenerator = $defaultPreviewGenerator;
$objectData['hasPreview'] = false;
if ($objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getPreviewUrl() || $linkGeneratorReference || $previewGenerator) {
$objectData['hasPreview'] = true;
if ($draftVersion && $objectFromDatabase->getModificationDate() < $draftVersion->getDate()) {
$objectData['draft'] = [
'id' => $draftVersion->getId(),
'modificationDate' => $draftVersion->getDate(),
'isAutoSave' => $draftVersion->isAutoSave(),
$objectData['general'] = [];
$allowedKeys = ['o_published', 'o_key', 'o_id', 'o_creationDate', 'o_classId', 'o_className', 'o_type', 'o_parentId', 'o_userOwner'];
foreach ($objectFromDatabase->getObjectVars() as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $allowedKeys)) {
$objectData['general'][$key] = $value;
$objectData['general']['fullpath'] = $objectFromDatabase->getRealFullPath();
$objectData['general']['o_locked'] = $objectFromDatabase->isLocked();
$objectData['general']['php'] = [
'classes' => array_merge([get_class($objectFromDatabase)], array_values(class_parents($objectFromDatabase))),
'interfaces' => array_values(class_implements($objectFromDatabase)),
$objectData['general']['allowInheritance'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getAllowInherit();
$objectData['general']['allowVariants'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getAllowVariants();
$objectData['general']['showVariants'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getShowVariants();
$objectData['general']['showAppLoggerTab'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getShowAppLoggerTab();
$objectData['general']['showFieldLookup'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getShowFieldLookup();
if ($objectFromDatabase instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$objectData['general']['linkGeneratorReference'] = $linkGeneratorReference;
if ($previewGenerator) {
$objectData['general']['previewConfig'] = $previewGenerator->getPreviewConfig($objectFromDatabase);
$objectData['layout'] = $objectFromDatabase->getClass()->getLayoutDefinitions();
$objectData['userPermissions'] = $objectFromDatabase->getUserPermissions($this->getAdminUser());
$objectVersions = Element\Service::getSafeVersionInfo($objectFromDatabase->getVersions());
$objectData['versions'] = array_splice($objectVersions, -1, 1);
$objectData['scheduledTasks'] = array_map(
static function (Task $task) {
return $task->getObjectVars();
$objectData['childdata']['id'] = $objectFromDatabase->getId();
$objectData['childdata']['data']['classes'] = $this->prepareChildClasses($objectFromDatabase->getDao()->getClasses());
$objectData['childdata']['data']['general'] = $objectData['general'];
/** -------------------------------------------------------------
* Load remaining general data from latest version
* ------------------------------------------------------------- */
$allowedKeys = ['o_modificationDate', 'o_userModification'];
foreach ($object->getObjectVars() as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $allowedKeys)) {
$objectData['general'][$key] = $value;
$this->getDataForObject($object, $objectFromVersion);
$objectData['data'] = $this->objectData;
$objectData['metaData'] = $this->metaData;
$objectData['properties'] = Element\Service::minimizePropertiesForEditmode($object->getProperties());
// this used for the "this is not a published version" hint
// and for adding the published icon to version overview
$objectData['general']['versionDate'] = $objectFromDatabase->getModificationDate();
$objectData['general']['versionCount'] = $objectFromDatabase->getVersionCount();
$this->addAdminStyle($object, ElementAdminStyleEvent::CONTEXT_EDITOR, $objectData['general']);
$currentLayoutId = $request->get('layoutId');
$validLayouts = DataObject\Service::getValidLayouts($object);
//Fallback if $currentLayoutId is not set or empty string
//Uses first valid layout instead of admin layout when empty
$ok = false;
foreach ($validLayouts as $layout) {
if ($currentLayoutId == $layout->getId()) {
$ok = true;
if (!$ok) {
$currentLayoutId = null;
//main layout has id 0 so we check for is_null()
if ($currentLayoutId === null && !empty($validLayouts)) {
if (count($validLayouts) === 1) {
$firstLayout = reset($validLayouts);
$currentLayoutId = $firstLayout->getId();
} else {
foreach ($validLayouts as $checkDefaultLayout) {
if ($checkDefaultLayout->getDefault()) {
$currentLayoutId = $checkDefaultLayout->getId();
if ($currentLayoutId === null && count($validLayouts) > 0) {
$currentLayoutId = reset($validLayouts)->getId();
if (!empty($validLayouts)) {
$objectData['validLayouts'] = [];
foreach ($validLayouts as $validLayout) {
$objectData['validLayouts'][] = ['id' => $validLayout->getId(), 'name' => $validLayout->getName()];
usort($objectData['validLayouts'], static function ($layoutData1, $layoutData2) {
if ($layoutData2['id'] === '-1') {
return 1;
if ($layoutData1['id'] === '-1') {
return -1;
if ($layoutData2['id'] === '0') {
return 1;
if ($layoutData1['id'] === '0') {
return -1;
return strcasecmp($layoutData1['name'], $layoutData2['name']);
$user = Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser();
if ($currentLayoutId == -1 && $user->isAdmin()) {
$layout = DataObject\Service::getSuperLayoutDefinition($object);
$objectData['layout'] = $layout;
} elseif (!empty($currentLayoutId)) {
$objectData['layout'] = $validLayouts[$currentLayoutId]->getLayoutDefinitions();
$objectData['currentLayoutId'] = $currentLayoutId;
//Hook for modifying return value - e.g. for changing permissions based on object data
//data need to wrapped into a container in order to pass parameter to event listeners by reference so that they can change the values
$event = new GenericEvent($this, [
'data' => $objectData,
'object' => $object,
DataObject\Service::enrichLayoutDefinition($objectData['layout'], $object);
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($event, AdminEvents::OBJECT_GET_PRE_SEND_DATA);
$data = $event->getArgument('data');
DataObject\Service::removeElementFromSession('object', $object->getId());
if ($data['layout'] ?? false) {
$layoutArray = json_decode($this->encodeJson($data['layout']), true);
$this->classFieldDefinitions = json_decode($this->encodeJson($object->getClass()->getFieldDefinitions()), true);
$data['layout'] = $layoutArray;
return $this->adminJson($data);
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
private function injectValuesForCustomLayout(array &$layout): void
foreach ($layout['children'] as &$child) {
if ($child['datatype'] === 'layout') {
} else {
foreach ($this->classFieldDefinitions[$child['name']] as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $child) && ($child[$key] === null || $child[$key] === '' || (is_array($child[$key]) && empty($child[$key])))) {
$child[$key] = $value;
//TODO remove in Pimcore 11
if (isset($layout['childs'])) {
foreach ($layout['childs'] as &$child) {
if ($child['datatype'] === 'layout') {
} else {
foreach ($this->classFieldDefinitions[$child['name']] as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $child) && ($child[$key] === null || $child[$key] === '' || (is_array($child[$key]) && empty($child[$key])))) {
$child[$key] = $value;
* @param DataObject\Concrete $object
* @param bool $objectFromVersion
private function getDataForObject(DataObject\Concrete $object, $objectFromVersion = false)
foreach ($object->getClass()->getFieldDefinitions(['object' => $object]) as $key => $def) {
$this->getDataForField($object, $key, $def, $objectFromVersion);
* gets recursively attribute data from parent and fills objectData and metaData
* @param DataObject\Concrete $object
* @param string $key
* @param DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data $fielddefinition
* @param bool $objectFromVersion
* @param int $level
private function getDataForField($object, $key, $fielddefinition, $objectFromVersion, $level = 0)
$parent = DataObject\Service::hasInheritableParentObject($object);
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($key);
// Editmode optimization for lazy loaded relations (note that this is just for AbstractRelations, not for all
// LazyLoadingSupportInterface types. It tries to optimize fetching the data needed for the editmode without
// loading the entire target element.
// ReverseObjectRelation should go in there anyway (regardless if it a version or not),
// so that the values can be loaded.
if (
(!$objectFromVersion && $fielddefinition instanceof AbstractRelations)
|| $fielddefinition instanceof ReverseObjectRelation
) {
$refId = null;
if ($fielddefinition instanceof ReverseObjectRelation) {
$refKey = $fielddefinition->getOwnerFieldName();
$refClass = DataObject\ClassDefinition::getByName($fielddefinition->getOwnerClassName());
if ($refClass) {
$refId = $refClass->getId();
} else {
$refKey = $key;
$relations = $object->getRelationData($refKey, !$fielddefinition instanceof ReverseObjectRelation, $refId);
if ($fielddefinition->supportsInheritance() && empty($relations) && !empty($parent)) {
$this->getDataForField($parent, $key, $fielddefinition, $objectFromVersion, $level + 1);
} else {
$data = [];
if ($fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\ManyToOneRelation) {
if (isset($relations[0])) {
$data = $relations[0];
$data['published'] = (bool)$data['published'];
} else {
$data = null;
} elseif (
($fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\OptimizedAdminLoadingInterface && $fielddefinition->isOptimizedAdminLoading())
|| ($fielddefinition instanceof ManyToManyObjectRelation && !$fielddefinition->getVisibleFields() && !$fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\AdvancedManyToManyObjectRelation)
) {
foreach ($relations as $rkey => $rel) {
$index = $rkey + 1;
$rel['fullpath'] = $rel['path'];
$rel['classname'] = $rel['subtype'];
$rel['rowId'] = $rel['id'] . AbstractRelations::RELATION_ID_SEPARATOR . $index . AbstractRelations::RELATION_ID_SEPARATOR . $rel['type'];
$rel['published'] = (bool)$rel['published'];
$data[] = $rel;
} else {
$fieldData = $object->$getter();
$data = $fielddefinition->getDataForEditmode($fieldData, $object, ['objectFromVersion' => $objectFromVersion]);
$this->objectData[$key] = $data;
$this->metaData[$key]['objectid'] = $object->getId();
$this->metaData[$key]['inherited'] = $level != 0;
} else {
$fieldData = $object->$getter();
$isInheritedValue = false;
if ($fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\CalculatedValue) {
$fieldData = new DataObject\Data\CalculatedValue($fielddefinition->getName());
$fieldData->setContextualData('object', null, null, null, null, null, $fielddefinition);
$value = $fielddefinition->getDataForEditmode($fieldData, $object, ['objectFromVersion' => $objectFromVersion]);
} else {
$value = $fielddefinition->getDataForEditmode($fieldData, $object, ['objectFromVersion' => $objectFromVersion]);
// following some exceptions for special data types (localizedfields, objectbricks)
if ($value && ($fieldData instanceof DataObject\Localizedfield || $fieldData instanceof DataObject\Classificationstore)) {
// make sure that the localized field participates in the inheritance detection process
$isInheritedValue = $value['inherited'];
if ($fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Objectbricks && is_array($value)) {
// make sure that the objectbricks participate in the inheritance detection process
foreach ($value as $singleBrickData) {
if (!empty($singleBrickData['inherited'])) {
$isInheritedValue = true;
if ($fielddefinition->isEmpty($fieldData) && !empty($parent)) {
$this->getDataForField($parent, $key, $fielddefinition, $objectFromVersion, $level + 1);
// exception for classification store. if there are no items then it is empty by definition.
// consequence is that we have to preserve the metadata information
// see https://github.com/pimcore/pimcore/issues/9329
if ($fielddefinition instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Classificationstore && $level == 0) {
$this->objectData[$key]['metaData'] = $value['metaData'] ?? [];
$this->objectData[$key]['inherited'] = true;
} else {
$isInheritedValue = $isInheritedValue || ($level != 0);
$this->metaData[$key]['objectid'] = $object->getId();
$this->objectData[$key] = $value;
$this->metaData[$key]['inherited'] = $isInheritedValue;
if ($isInheritedValue && !$fielddefinition->isEmpty($fieldData) && !$fielddefinition->supportsInheritance()) {
$this->objectData[$key] = null;
$this->metaData[$key]['inherited'] = false;
$this->metaData[$key]['hasParentValue'] = true;
* @Route("/get-folder", name="getfolder", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @param EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
* @return JsonResponse
public function getFolderAction(Request $request, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
$objectId = (int)$request->get('id');
$object = DataObject::getById($objectId);
if (!$object) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException();
if ($object->isAllowed('view')) {
$objectData = [];
$objectData['general'] = [];
$objectData['idPath'] = Element\Service::getIdPath($object);
$objectData['type'] = $object->getType();
$allowedKeys = ['o_published', 'o_key', 'o_id', 'o_type', 'o_path', 'o_modificationDate', 'o_creationDate', 'o_userOwner', 'o_userModification'];
foreach ($object->getObjectVars() as $key => $value) {
if (strstr($key, 'o_') && in_array($key, $allowedKeys)) {
$objectData['general'][$key] = $value;
$objectData['general']['fullpath'] = $object->getRealFullPath();
$objectData['general']['o_locked'] = $object->isLocked();
$objectData['properties'] = Element\Service::minimizePropertiesForEditmode($object->getProperties());
$objectData['userPermissions'] = $object->getUserPermissions($this->getAdminUser());
$objectData['classes'] = $this->prepareChildClasses($object->getDao()->getClasses());
// grid-config
$configFile = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . '/object/grid/' . $object->getId() . '-user_' . $this->getAdminUser()->getId() . '.psf';
if (is_file($configFile)) {
$gridConfig = Tool\Serialize::unserialize(file_get_contents($configFile));
if ($gridConfig) {
$selectedClassId = $gridConfig['classId'];
foreach ($objectData['classes'] as $class) {
if ($class['id'] == $selectedClassId) {
$objectData['selectedClass'] = $selectedClassId;
//Hook for modifying return value - e.g. for changing permissions based on object data
//data need to wrapped into a container in order to pass parameter to event listeners by reference so that they can change the values
$event = new GenericEvent($this, [
'data' => $objectData,
'object' => $object,
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($event, AdminEvents::OBJECT_GET_PRE_SEND_DATA);
$objectData = $event->getArgument('data');
return $this->adminJson($objectData);
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
* @param DataObject\ClassDefinition[] $classes
* @return array
protected function prepareChildClasses(array $classes): array
$reduced = [];
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$reduced[] = [
'id' => $class->getId(),
'name' => $class->getName(),
'inheritance' => $class->getAllowInherit(),
return $reduced;
* @Route("/add", name="add", methods={"POST"})
* @param Request $request
* @param Model\FactoryInterface $modelFactory
* @return JsonResponse
public function addAction(Request $request, Model\FactoryInterface $modelFactory): JsonResponse
$message = '';
$parent = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('parentId'));
if (!$parent->isAllowed('create')) {
$message = 'prevented adding object because of missing permissions';
$intendedPath = $parent->getRealFullPath() . '/' . $request->get('key');
if (DataObject\Service::pathExists($intendedPath)) {
$message = 'prevented creating object because object with same path+key already exists';
//return false if missing permissions or path+key already exists
if (!empty($message)) {
return $this->adminJson([
'success' => false,
'message' => $message,
$className = 'Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\' . ucfirst($request->get('className'));
/** @var DataObject\Concrete $object */
$object = $modelFactory->build($className);
$object->setOmitMandatoryCheck(true); // allow to save the object although there are mandatory fields
if ($request->get('variantViaTree')) {
$parentId = $request->get('parentId');
$parent = DataObject\Concrete::getById($parentId);
$objectType = $request->get('objecttype');
if (in_array($objectType, [DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_OBJECT, DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT])) {
try {
$return = [
'success' => true,
'id' => $object->getId(),
'type' => $object->getType(),
'message' => $message,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$return = [
'success' => false,
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
return $this->adminJson($return);
* @Route("/add-folder", name="addfolder", methods={"POST"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function addFolderAction(Request $request)
$success = false;
$parent = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('parentId'));
if ($parent->isAllowed('create')) {
if (!DataObject\Service::pathExists($parent->getRealFullPath() . '/' . $request->get('key'))) {
$folder = DataObject\Folder::create([
'o_parentId' => $request->get('parentId'),
'o_creationDate' => time(),
'o_userOwner' => $this->getAdminUser()->getId(),
'o_userModification' => $this->getAdminUser()->getId(),
'o_key' => $request->get('key'),
'o_published' => true,
try {
$success = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
} else {
Logger::debug('prevented creating object id because of missing permissions');
return $this->adminJson(['success' => $success]);
* @Route("/delete", name="delete", methods={"DELETE"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function deleteAction(Request $request)
$type = $request->get('type');
if ($type === 'childs') {
'Type childs is deprecated. Use children instead'
$type = 'children';
if ($type === 'children') {
$parentObject = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('id'));
$list = new DataObject\Listing();
$list->setCondition('o_path LIKE ' . $list->quote($list->escapeLike($parentObject->getRealFullPath()) . '/%'));
$list->setOrderKey('LENGTH(o_path)', false);
$deletedItems = [];
foreach ($list as $object) {
$deletedItems[$object->getId()] = $object->getRealFullPath();
if ($object->isAllowed('delete') && !$object->isLocked()) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true, 'deleted' => $deletedItems]);
if ($id = $request->get('id')) {
$object = DataObject::getById((int) $id);
if ($object) {
if (!$object->isAllowed('delete')) {
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
if ($object->isLocked()) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => 'prevented deleting object, because it is locked: ID: ' . $object->getId()]);
// return true, even when the object doesn't exist, this can be the case when using batch delete incl. children
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true]);
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false]);
* @Route("/change-children-sort-by", name="changechildrensortby", methods={"PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function changeChildrenSortByAction(Request $request)
$object = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('id'));
if ($object) {
$sortBy = $request->get('sortBy');
$sortOrder = $request->get('childrenSortOrder');
if (!\in_array($sortOrder, ['ASC', 'DESC'])) {
$sortOrder = 'ASC';
$currentSortBy = $object->getChildrenSortBy();
if ($currentSortBy != $sortBy) {
$user = Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser();
if (!$user->isAdmin() && !$user->isAllowed('objects_sort_method')) {
return $this->json(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Changing the sort method is only allowed for admin users']);
if ($sortBy == 'index') {
$this->reindexBasedOnSortOrder($object, $sortOrder);
return $this->json(['success' => true]);
return $this->json(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to change a sorting way of children items.']);
* @Route("/update", name="update", methods={"PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function updateAction(Request $request)
$values = $this->decodeJson($request->get('values'));
$ids = $this->decodeJson($request->get('id'));
if (is_array($ids)) {
$return = ['success' => true];
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$object = DataObject::getById((int)$id);
$return = $this->executeUpdateAction($object, $values);
if (!$return['success']) {
return $this->adminJson($return);
} else {
$object = DataObject::getById((int)$ids);
$return = $this->executeUpdateAction($object, $values);
return $this->adminJson($return);
* @return array{success: bool, message?: string}
* @throws \Exception
private function executeUpdateAction(DataObject $object, mixed $values): array
$success = false;
if ($object instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
// this prevents the user from renaming, relocating (actions in the tree) if the newest version isn't the published one
// the reason is that otherwise the content of the newer not published version will be overwritten
if ($object instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$latestVersion = $object->getLatestVersion();
if ($latestVersion && $latestVersion->getData()->getModificationDate() != $object->getModificationDate()) {
return ['success' => false, 'message' => "You can't rename or relocate if there's a newer not published version"];
$key = $values['key'] ?? null;
if ($object->isAllowed('settings')) {
if ($key) {
if ($object->isAllowed('rename')) {
} elseif ($key !== $object->getKey()) {
Logger::debug('prevented renaming object because of missing permissions ');
if (!empty($values['parentId'])) {
$parent = DataObject::getById($values['parentId']);
//check if parent is changed
if ($object->getParentId() != $parent->getId()) {
if (!$parent->isAllowed('create')) {
throw new \Exception('Prevented moving object - no create permission on new parent ');
$objectWithSamePath = DataObject::getByPath($parent->getRealFullPath() . '/' . $object->getKey());
if ($objectWithSamePath != null) {
return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'prevented creating object because object with same path+key already exists'];
if ($object->isLocked()) {
return ['success' => false, 'message' => 'prevented moving object, because it is locked: ID: ' . $object->getId()];
if (array_key_exists('locked', $values)) {
try {
$isIndexUpdate = isset($values['indices']);
if ($isIndexUpdate) {
// Ensure the update sort index is already available in the postUpdate eventListener
$indexUpdate = is_int($values['indices']) ? $values['indices'] : $values['indices'][$object->getId()];
if ($isIndexUpdate) {
$this->updateIndexesOfObjectSiblings($object, $indexUpdate);
$success = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Logger::error((string) $e);
return ['success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage()];
} elseif ($key && $object->isAllowed('rename')) {
return $this->renameObject($object, $key);
} else {
Logger::debug('prevented update object because of missing permissions.');
return ['success' => $success];
private function executeInsideTransaction(callable $fn)
$maxRetries = 5;
for ($retries = 0; $retries < $maxRetries; $retries++) {
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// we try to start the transaction $maxRetries times again (deadlocks, ...)
if ($retries < ($maxRetries - 1)) {
$run = $retries + 1;
$waitTime = rand(1, 5) * 100000; // microseconds
Logger::warn('Unable to finish transaction (' . $run . ". run) because of the following reason '" . $e->getMessage() . "'. --> Retrying in " . $waitTime . ' microseconds ... (' . ($run + 1) . ' of ' . $maxRetries . ')');
usleep($waitTime); // wait specified time until we restart the transaction
} else {
// if the transaction still fail after $maxRetries retries, we throw out the exception
Logger::error('Finally giving up restarting the same transaction again and again, last message: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
* @param DataObject\AbstractObject $parentObject
* @param string $currentSortOrder
protected function reindexBasedOnSortOrder(DataObject\AbstractObject $parentObject, string $currentSortOrder)
$fn = function () use ($parentObject, $currentSortOrder) {
$list = new DataObject\Listing();
$db = Db::get();
$result = $db->executeStatement(
'UPDATE '.$list->getDao()->getTableName().' o,
SELECT newIndex, o_id FROM (
SELECT @n := @n +1 AS newIndex, o_id
FROM '.$list->getDao()->getTableName().',
(SELECT @n := -1) variable
WHERE o_parentId = ? ORDER BY o_key ' . $currentSortOrder
.') tmp
) order_table
SET o.o_index = order_table.newIndex
WHERE o.o_id=order_table.o_id',
$db = Db::get();
$children = $db->fetchAllAssociative(
'SELECT o_id, o_modificationDate, o_versionCount FROM objects'
.' WHERE o_parentId = ? ORDER BY o_index ASC',
$index = 0;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$this->updateLatestVersionIndex($child['o_id'], $child['o_modificationDate']);
private function updateLatestVersionIndex($objectId, $newIndex)
$object = DataObject\Concrete::getById($objectId);
if (
$object &&
$object->getType() != DataObject::OBJECT_TYPE_FOLDER &&
$latestVersion = $object->getLatestVersion()
) {
// don't renew references (which means loading the target elements)
// Not needed as we just save a new version with the updated index
$object = $latestVersion->loadData(false);
if ($newIndex !== $object->getIndex()) {
* @param DataObject\AbstractObject $updatedObject
* @param int $newIndex
protected function updateIndexesOfObjectSiblings(DataObject\AbstractObject $updatedObject, $newIndex)
$fn = function () use ($updatedObject, $newIndex) {
$list = new DataObject\Listing();
// The cte and the limit are needed to order the data before the newIndex is set
$db = Db::get();
'UPDATE '.$list->getDao()->getTableName().' o,
SELECT newIndex, o_id
With cte As (SELECT o_index, o_id FROM ' . $list->getDao()->getTableName() . ' WHERE o_parentId = ? AND o_id != ? AND o_type IN (\''.implode(
"','", [
).'\') ORDER BY o_index LIMIT '. $updatedObject->getParent()->getChildAmount([
]) .')
SELECT @n := IF(@n = ? - 1,@n + 2,@n + 1) AS newIndex, o_id
FROM cte,
(SELECT @n := -1) variable
) tmp
) order_table
SET o.o_index = order_table.newIndex
WHERE o.o_id=order_table.o_id',
$siblings = $db->fetchAllAssociative(
'SELECT o_id, o_modificationDate, o_versionCount, o_key, o_index FROM objects'
." WHERE o_parentId = ? AND o_id != ? AND o_type IN ('object', 'variant','folder') ORDER BY o_index ASC",
[$updatedObject->getParentId(), $updatedObject->getId()]
$index = 0;
foreach ($siblings as $sibling) {
if ($index == $newIndex) {
$this->updateLatestVersionIndex($sibling['o_id'], $index);
* @Route("/save", name="save", methods={"POST", "PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function saveAction(Request $request)
$objectFromDatabase = DataObject\Concrete::getById((int) $request->get('id'));
if (!$objectFromDatabase instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Could not find object']);
// set the latest available version for editmode
$object = $this->getLatestVersion($objectFromDatabase);
$objectFromVersion = $object !== $objectFromDatabase;
$originalModificationDate = $objectFromVersion ? $object->getModificationDate() : $objectFromDatabase->getModificationDate();
if ($objectFromVersion) {
if (method_exists($object, 'getLocalizedFields')) {
/** @var DataObject\Localizedfield $localizedFields */
$localizedFields = $object->getLocalizedFields();
// data
$data = [];
if ($request->get('data')) {
$data = $this->decodeJson($request->get('data'));
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$fd = $object->getClass()->getFieldDefinition($key);
if ($fd) {
if ($fd instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Localizedfields) {
$user = Tool\Admin::getCurrentUser();
if (!$user->getAdmin()) {
$allowedLanguages = DataObject\Service::getLanguagePermissions($object, $user, 'lEdit');
if (!is_null($allowedLanguages)) {
$allowedLanguages = array_keys($allowedLanguages);
$submittedLanguages = array_keys($data[$key]);
foreach ($submittedLanguages as $submittedLanguage) {
if (!in_array($submittedLanguage, $allowedLanguages)) {
if ($fd instanceof ReverseObjectRelation) {
$remoteClass = DataObject\ClassDefinition::getByName($fd->getOwnerClassName());
$relations = $object->getRelationData($fd->getOwnerFieldName(), false, $remoteClass->getId());
$toAdd = $this->detectAddedRemoteOwnerRelations($relations, $value);
$toDelete = $this->detectDeletedRemoteOwnerRelations($relations, $value);
if (count($toAdd) > 0 || count($toDelete) > 0) {
$this->processRemoteOwnerRelations($object, $toDelete, $toAdd, $fd->getOwnerFieldName());
} else {
$object->setValue($key, $fd->getDataFromEditmode($value, $object, ['objectFromVersion' => $objectFromVersion]));
// general settings
if ($request->get('general')) {
$general = $this->decodeJson($request->get('general'));
// do not allow all values to be set, will cause problems (eg. icon)
if (is_array($general) && count($general) > 0) {
foreach ($general as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, ['o_id', 'o_classId', 'o_className', 'o_type', 'icon', 'o_userOwner', 'o_userModification', 'o_modificationDate'])) {
$object->setValue($key, $value);
$this->assignPropertiesFromEditmode($request, $object);
$this->applySchedulerDataToElement($request, $object);
if (($request->get('task') === 'unpublish' && !$object->isAllowed('unpublish')) || ($request->get('task') === 'publish' && !$object->isAllowed('publish'))) {
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
if ($request->get('task') == 'unpublish') {
if ($request->get('task') == 'publish') {
// unpublish and save version is possible without checking mandatory fields
if (in_array($request->get('task'), ['unpublish', 'version', 'autoSave'])) {
if (($request->get('task') == 'publish') || ($request->get('task') == 'unpublish')) {
// disabled for now: see different approach [Elements] Show users who are working on the same element #9381
// https://github.com/pimcore/pimcore/issues/9381
// if ($data) {
// if (!$this->performFieldcollectionModificationCheck($request, $object, $originalModificationDate, $data)) {
// return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Could be that someone messed around with the fieldcollection in the meantime. Please reload and try again']);
// }
// }
$treeData = $this->getTreeNodeConfig($object);
$newObject = DataObject::getById($object->getId(), ['force' => true]);
if ($request->get('task') == 'publish') {
return $this->adminJson([
'success' => true,
'general' => ['o_modificationDate' => $object->getModificationDate(),
'versionDate' => $newObject->getModificationDate(),
'versionCount' => $newObject->getVersionCount(),
'treeData' => $treeData,
} elseif ($request->get('task') == 'session') {
//TODO https://github.com/pimcore/pimcore/issues/9536
DataObject\Service::saveElementToSession($object, '', true);
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true]);
} elseif ($request->get('task') == 'scheduler') {
if ($object->isAllowed('settings')) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true]);
} elseif ($object->isAllowed('save') || $object->isAllowed('publish')) {
$isAutoSave = $request->get('task') == 'autoSave';
$draftData = [];
if ($object->isPublished() || $isAutoSave) {
$version = $object->saveVersion(true, true, null, $isAutoSave);
$draftData = [
'id' => $version->getId(),
'modificationDate' => $version->getDate(),
'isAutoSave' => $version->isAutoSave(),
} else {
if ($request->get('task') == 'version') {
$treeData = $this->getTreeNodeConfig($object);
$newObject = DataObject::getById($object->getId(), ['force' => true]);
return $this->adminJson([
'success' => true,
'general' => ['o_modificationDate' => $object->getModificationDate(),
'versionDate' => $newObject->getModificationDate(),
'versionCount' => $newObject->getVersionCount(),
'draft' => $draftData,
'treeData' => $treeData,
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
* @param Request $request
* @param DataObject\Concrete $object
* @param int $originalModificationDate
* @param array $data
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
protected function performFieldcollectionModificationCheck(Request $request, DataObject\Concrete $object, $originalModificationDate, $data)
$modificationDate = $request->get('modificationDate');
if ($modificationDate != $originalModificationDate) {
$fielddefinitions = $object->getClass()->getFieldDefinitions();
foreach ($fielddefinitions as $fd) {
if ($fd instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Fieldcollections) {
if (isset($data[$fd->getName()])) {
$allowedTypes = $fd->getAllowedTypes();
foreach ($allowedTypes as $type) {
/** @var DataObject\Fieldcollection\Definition $fdDef */
$fdDef = DataObject\Fieldcollection\Definition::getByKey($type);
$childDefinitions = $fdDef->getFieldDefinitions();
foreach ($childDefinitions as $childDef) {
if ($childDef instanceof DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Localizedfields) {
return false;
return true;
* @Route("/save-folder", name="savefolder", methods={"PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function saveFolderAction(Request $request)
$object = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('id'));
if (!$object) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Object not found');
if ($object->isAllowed('publish')) {
try {
// general settings
$general = $this->decodeJson($request->get('general'));
$this->assignPropertiesFromEditmode($request, $object);
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
* @param Request $request
* @param DataObject\AbstractObject $object
protected function assignPropertiesFromEditmode(Request $request, $object)
if ($request->get('properties')) {
$properties = [];
// assign inherited properties
foreach ($object->getProperties() as $p) {
if ($p->isInherited()) {
$properties[$p->getName()] = $p;
$propertiesData = $this->decodeJson($request->get('properties'));
if (is_array($propertiesData)) {
foreach ($propertiesData as $propertyName => $propertyData) {
$value = $propertyData['data'];
try {
$property = new Model\Property();
$properties[$propertyName] = $property;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Logger::err("Can't add " . $propertyName . ' to object ' . $object->getRealFullPath());
* @Route("/publish-version", name="publishversion", methods={"POST"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function publishVersionAction(Request $request)
$id = (int)$request->get('id');
$version = Model\Version::getById($id);
$object = $version?->loadData();
if (!$object) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Version with id [' . $id . "] doesn't exist");
$currentObject = DataObject::getById($object->getId());
if ($currentObject->isAllowed('publish')) {
try {
$this->addAdminStyle($object, ElementAdminStyleEvent::CONTEXT_TREE, $treeData);
return $this->adminJson(
'success' => true,
'general' => ['o_modificationDate' => $object->getModificationDate() ],
'treeData' => $treeData, ]
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
* @Route("/preview-version", name="previewversion", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @throws \Exception
* @return Response
public function previewVersionAction(Request $request)
$id = (int)$request->get('id');
$version = Model\Version::getById($id);
$object = $version?->loadData();
if ($object) {
if (method_exists($object, 'getLocalizedFields')) {
/** @var DataObject\Localizedfield $localizedFields */
$localizedFields = $object->getLocalizedFields();
if ($object->isAllowed('versions')) {
return $this->render('@PimcoreAdmin/Admin/DataObject/DataObject/previewVersion.html.twig',
'object' => $object,
'versionNote' => $version->getNote(),
'validLanguages' => Tool::getValidLanguages(),
throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Permission denied, version id [' . $id . ']');
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Version with id [' . $id . "] doesn't exist");
* @Route("/diff-versions/from/{from}/to/{to}", name="diffversions", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @param int $from
* @param int $to
* @return Response
* @throws \Exception
public function diffVersionsAction(Request $request, $from, $to)
$id1 = (int)$from;
$id2 = (int)$to;
$version1 = Model\Version::getById($id1);
$object1 = $version1?->loadData();
if (!$object1) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Version with id [' . $id1 . "] doesn't exist");
if (method_exists($object1, 'getLocalizedFields')) {
/** @var DataObject\Localizedfield $localizedFields1 */
$localizedFields1 = $object1->getLocalizedFields();
$version2 = Model\Version::getById($id2);
$object2 = $version2?->loadData();
if (!$object2) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Version with id [' . $id2 . "] doesn't exist");
if (method_exists($object2, 'getLocalizedFields')) {
/** @var DataObject\Localizedfield $localizedFields2 */
$localizedFields2 = $object2->getLocalizedFields();
if ($object1->isAllowed('versions') && $object2->isAllowed('versions')) {
return $this->render('@PimcoreAdmin/Admin/DataObject/DataObject/diffVersions.html.twig',
'object1' => $object1,
'versionNote1' => $version1->getNote(),
'object2' => $object2,
'versionNote2' => $version2->getNote(),
'validLanguages' => Tool::getValidLanguages(),
throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Permission denied, version ids [' . $id1 . ', ' . $id2 . ']');
* @Route("/grid-proxy", name="gridproxy", methods={"GET", "POST", "PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @param EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
* @param GridHelperService $gridHelperService
* @param LocaleServiceInterface $localeService
* @param CsrfProtectionHandler $csrfProtection
* @return JsonResponse
public function gridProxyAction(
Request $request,
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher,
GridHelperService $gridHelperService,
LocaleServiceInterface $localeService,
CsrfProtectionHandler $csrfProtection
): JsonResponse {
$allParams = array_merge($request->request->all(), $request->query->all());
if (isset($allParams['context']) && $allParams['context']) {
$allParams['context'] = json_decode($allParams['context'], true);
} else {
$allParams['context'] = [];
$filterPrepareEvent = new GenericEvent($this, [
'requestParams' => $allParams,
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($filterPrepareEvent, AdminEvents::OBJECT_LIST_BEFORE_FILTER_PREPARE);
$allParams = $filterPrepareEvent->getArgument('requestParams');
$result = $this->gridProxy(
return $this->adminJson($result);
* @Route("/copy-info", name="copyinfo", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function copyInfoAction(Request $request)
$transactionId = time();
$pasteJobs = [];
Tool\Session::useSession(function (AttributeBagInterface $session) use ($transactionId) {
$session->set((string) $transactionId, ['idMapping' => []]);
}, 'pimcore_copy');
if ($request->get('type') == 'recursive' || $request->get('type') == 'recursive-update-references') {
$object = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('sourceId'));
// first of all the new parent
$pasteJobs[] = [[
'url' => $this->generateUrl('pimcore_admin_dataobject_dataobject_copy'),
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'sourceId' => $request->get('sourceId'),
'targetId' => $request->get('targetId'),
'type' => 'child',
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'saveParentId' => true,
if ($object->hasChildren(DataObject::$types)) {
// get amount of children
$list = new DataObject\Listing();
$list->setCondition('o_path LIKE ' . $list->quote($list->escapeLike($object->getRealFullPath()) . '/%'));
$list->setOrderKey('LENGTH(o_path)', false);
$childIds = $list->loadIdList();
if (count($childIds) > 0) {
foreach ($childIds as $id) {
$pasteJobs[] = [[
'url' => $this->generateUrl('pimcore_admin_dataobject_dataobject_copy'),
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'sourceId' => $id,
'targetParentId' => $request->get('targetId'),
'sourceParentId' => $request->get('sourceId'),
'type' => 'child',
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
// add id-rewrite steps
if ($request->get('type') == 'recursive-update-references') {
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($childIds) + 1); $i++) {
$pasteJobs[] = [[
'url' => $this->generateUrl('pimcore_admin_dataobject_dataobject_copyrewriteids'),
'method' => 'PUT',
'params' => [
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
'_dc' => uniqid(),
} elseif ($request->get('type') == 'child' || $request->get('type') == 'replace') {
// the object itself is the last one
$pasteJobs[] = [[
'url' => $this->generateUrl('pimcore_admin_dataobject_dataobject_copy'),
'method' => 'POST',
'params' => [
'sourceId' => $request->get('sourceId'),
'targetId' => $request->get('targetId'),
'type' => $request->get('type'),
'transactionId' => $transactionId,
return $this->adminJson([
'pastejobs' => $pasteJobs,
* @Route("/copy-rewrite-ids", name="copyrewriteids", methods={"PUT"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
* @throws \Exception
public function copyRewriteIdsAction(Request $request)
$transactionId = $request->get('transactionId');
$idStore = Tool\Session::useSession(function (AttributeBagInterface $session) use ($transactionId) {
return $session->get($transactionId);
}, 'pimcore_copy');
if (!array_key_exists('rewrite-stack', $idStore)) {
$idStore['rewrite-stack'] = array_values($idStore['idMapping']);
$id = array_shift($idStore['rewrite-stack']);
$object = DataObject::getById($id);
// create rewriteIds() config parameter
$rewriteConfig = ['object' => $idStore['idMapping']];
$object = DataObject\Service::rewriteIds($object, $rewriteConfig);
// write the store back to the session
Tool\Session::useSession(function (AttributeBagInterface $session) use ($transactionId, $idStore) {
$session->set($transactionId, $idStore);
}, 'pimcore_copy');
return $this->adminJson([
'success' => true,
'id' => $id,
* @Route("/copy", name="copy", methods={"POST"})
* @param Request $request
* @return JsonResponse
public function copyAction(Request $request)
$message = '';
$sourceId = (int)$request->get('sourceId');
$source = DataObject::getById($sourceId);
$session = Tool\Session::get('pimcore_copy');
$sessionBag = $session->get($request->get('transactionId'));
$targetId = (int)$request->get('targetId');
if ($request->get('targetParentId')) {
$sourceParent = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('sourceParentId'));
// this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists
if ($sessionBag['parentId']) {
$targetParent = DataObject::getById($sessionBag['parentId']);
} else {
$targetParent = DataObject::getById((int) $request->get('targetParentId'));
$targetPath = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote($sourceParent->getRealFullPath(), '@') . '@', $targetParent . '/', $source->getRealPath());
$target = DataObject::getByPath($targetPath);
} else {
$target = DataObject::getById($targetId);
if ($target->isAllowed('create')) {
$source = DataObject::getById($sourceId);
if ($source != null) {
if ($source instanceof DataObject\Concrete && $latestVersion = $source->getLatestVersion()) {
$source = $latestVersion->loadData();
$source->setPublished(false); //as latest version is used which is not published
if ($request->get('type') == 'child') {
$newObject = $this->_objectService->copyAsChild($target, $source);
$sessionBag['idMapping'][(int)$source->getId()] = (int)$newObject->getId();
// this is because the key can get the prefix "_copy" if the target does already exists
if ($request->get('saveParentId')) {
$sessionBag['parentId'] = $newObject->getId();
} elseif ($request->get('type') == 'replace') {
$this->_objectService->copyContents($target, $source);
$session->set($request->get('transactionId'), $sessionBag);
return $this->adminJson(['success' => true, 'message' => $message]);
} else {
Logger::error("could not execute copy/paste, source object with id [ $sourceId ] not found");
return $this->adminJson(['success' => false, 'message' => 'source object not found']);
} else {
throw $this->createAccessDeniedHttpException();
* @Route("/preview", name="preview", methods={"GET"})
* @param Request $request
* @param PreviewGeneratorInterface $defaultPreviewGenerator
* @return Response|RedirectResponse
public function previewAction(Request $request, PreviewGeneratorInterface $defaultPreviewGenerator)
$id = $request->get('id');
$object = DataObject\Service::getElementFromSession('object', $id);
if ($object instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$url = $object->getClass()->getPreviewUrl();
if ($url) {
// replace named variables
$vars = $object->getObjectVars();
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value) && \is_scalar($value)) {
$url = str_replace('%' . $key, urlencode($value), $url);
} else {
if (strpos($url, '%' . $key) !== false) {
return new Response('No preview available, please ensure that all fields which are required for the preview are filled correctly.');
$url = str_replace('%_locale', $this->getAdminUser()->getLanguage(), $url);
} elseif ($previewService = $object->getClass()->getPreviewGenerator()) {
$url = $previewService->generatePreviewUrl($object, array_merge(['preview' => true, 'context' => $this], $request->query->all()));
} elseif ($object->getClass()->getLinkGenerator()) {
$parameters = [
'preview' => true,
'context' => $this,
$url = $defaultPreviewGenerator->generatePreviewUrl($object, array_merge($parameters, $request->query->all()));
if (!$url) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('Cannot render preview due to empty URL');
// replace all remaining % signs which are not an url encoded characters
$url = preg_replace('/%(?![0-9A-F]{2})/i', '%25', $url);
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$redirectParameters = array_filter([
'pimcore_object_preview' => $id,
'site' => $request->query->getInt(PreviewGeneratorInterface::PARAMETER_SITE),
'dc' => time(),
$redirectUrl = $urlParts['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($redirectParameters) . (isset($urlParts['query']) ? '&' . $urlParts['query'] : '');
return $this->redirect($redirectUrl);
} else {
throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Expected an object of type "%s", got "%s"', DataObject\Concrete::class, get_debug_type($object)));
* @param DataObject\Concrete $object
* @param array $toDelete
* @param array $toAdd
* @param string $ownerFieldName
protected function processRemoteOwnerRelations($object, $toDelete, $toAdd, $ownerFieldName)
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($ownerFieldName);
$setter = 'set' . ucfirst($ownerFieldName);
foreach ($toDelete as $id) {
$owner = DataObject::getById($id);
//TODO: lock ?!
if (method_exists($owner, $getter)) {
$currentData = $owner->$getter();
if (is_array($currentData)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentData); $i++) {
if ($currentData[$i]->getId() == $object->getId()) {
} else {
if ($currentData->getId() == $object->getId()) {
Logger::debug('Saved object id [ ' . $owner->getId() . ' ] by remote modification through [' . $object->getId() . '], Action: deleted [ ' . $object->getId() . " ] from [ $ownerFieldName]");
foreach ($toAdd as $id) {
$owner = DataObject::getById($id);
//TODO: lock ?!
if (method_exists($owner, $getter)) {
$currentData = $owner->$getter();
if (is_array($currentData)) {
$currentData[] = $object;
} else {
$currentData = $object;
Logger::debug('Saved object id [ ' . $owner->getId() . ' ] by remote modification through [' . $object->getId() . '], Action: added [ ' . $object->getId() . " ] to [ $ownerFieldName ]");
* @param array $relations
* @param array $value
* @return array
protected function detectDeletedRemoteOwnerRelations($relations, $value)
$originals = [];
$changed = [];
foreach ($relations as $r) {
$originals[] = $r['dest_id'];
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $row) {
$changed[] = $row['id'];
$diff = array_diff($originals, $changed);
return $diff;
* @param array $relations
* @param array $value
* @return array
protected function detectAddedRemoteOwnerRelations($relations, $value)
$originals = [];
$changed = [];
foreach ($relations as $r) {
$originals[] = $r['dest_id'];
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $row) {
$changed[] = $row['id'];
$diff = array_diff($changed, $originals);
return $diff;
* @template T of DataObject\Concrete
* @param T $object
* @param null|Version $draftVersion
* @return T
protected function getLatestVersion(DataObject\Concrete $object, &$draftVersion = null): ?DataObject\Concrete
$latestVersion = $object->getLatestVersion($this->getAdminUser()->getId());
if ($latestVersion) {
$latestObj = $latestVersion->loadData();
if ($latestObj instanceof DataObject\Concrete) {
$draftVersion = $latestVersion;
return $latestObj;
return $object;
* @param ControllerEvent $event
public function onKernelControllerEvent(ControllerEvent $event)
if (!$event->isMainRequest()) {
// check permissions
$this->_objectService = new DataObject\Service($this->getAdminUser());