<div class="timeline-teaser timeline-teaser--{{ position }} {{ not pimcore_link('button').empty ? 'stretch-link' : '' }} js-fade-in {{ styleModifier | default(null) }}">
<div class="timeline-teaser__body">
{% if editmode or not pimcore_input('time').empty %}
<div class="timeline-teaser__badge">
<time>{{ pimcore_input('time', {'placeholder': 'HH:MM Uhr'}) }}</time>
{% endif %}
{% if editmode or not pimcore_input('subtitle').empty %}
<div class="timeline-teaser__sub-title">
{{ pimcore_input('subtitle') }}
{% endif %}
{% if editmode or not pimcore_input('title').empty %}
<h3 class="timeline-teaser__title">
{% if not editmode and not pimcore_link('button').empty %}
<a href="{{ pimcore_link('button').href }}" target="{{ pimcore_link('button').target }}"
{% endif %}
{{ pimcore_input('title') }}
{% if not editmode and not pimcore_link('button').empty %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if editmode or not pimcore_wysiwyg('text').empty %}
<div class="timeline-teaser__content wysiwyg">
{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('text') }}
{% endif %}
{{ pimcore_link('button', {
'class': 'btn btn-outline-white timeline-teaser__btn'
}) }}
{% if editmode %}
<div class="timeline-teaser__embed embed-responsive">
{{ pimcore_image('image', {
thumbnail: 'timeline-teaser',
imgAttributes: {
class: 'js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item'
lowQualityPlaceholder: true
}) }}
{% elseif not pimcore_image('image').empty %}
{% set description = getImageDescription(pimcore_image('image').image) %}
<div class="timeline-teaser__embed embed-responsive">
{{ pimcore_image('image').image.thumbnail('timeline-teaser').html({
imgAttributes: {
class: 'js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item',
title: description|default(''),
alt: description|default(''),
lowQualityPlaceholder: true
})|raw }}
{% endif %}