<section class="hotspot-area container-narrow container mt-5 js-fade-in {{ not pimcore_input('anchorTitle').empty ? 'js-anchor-nav__item' : '' }}" {% if not pimcore_input('anchorTitle').empty %}data-anchor-nav-title="{{ pimcore_input('anchorTitle').frontend }}"{% endif %} >
{% embed 'Includes/editmode-settings.html.twig' %}
{% block additionalInfo %}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{{ include('Includes/title-block.html.twig', {
title: title|default(''),
subtitle: subtitle|default(''),
isCentered: true
}) }}
<div class="position-relative js-hotspot-container">
{{ pimcore_image('hotspot-area', {
thumbnail: 'hotspot-area',
imgAttributes: {
class: 'js-lazy-img img-fluid img-dropshadow w-100'
lowQualityPlaceholder: true
}) }}
{% for marker in pimcore_image('hotspot-area').marker %}
{% if marker['data'] and marker['data'][0] %}
{% set element = marker['data'][0].value %}
{% if marker.left is defined and marker.left and marker.top is defined and marker.top and marker.name is defined and element %}
{{ include('Includes/hotspot.html.twig', getHotspotData(marker.left, marker['top'], element, false, marker['name'])) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if editmode %}
{% endif %}