templates/Snippets/Includes/footerMain.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. <div class="footer-main">
  2.     <div class="container">
  3.         <div class="row">
  4.             <div class="col-md-3">
  5.                 <ul class="list-unstyled text-center text-md-left">
  6.                     {% for i in pimcore_iterate_block(pimcore_block('footerLinks')) %}
  7.                         <li>
  8.                             {{ pimcore_link('link', {'class': (not editmode ? 'footer-main__link' : ''), width: '800', 'data-event-tracking-category': 'Footer', 'data-event-tracking-action': pimcore_link('link').text, 'data-event-tracking-label': pimcore_link('link').href}) }}
  9.                         </li>
  10.                     {% endfor %}
  11.                 </ul>
  12.             </div>
  13.             <div class="col-md-2 text-center text-md-left mt-5 mt-md-0">
  14.                 {% set mainConfigLogo = getMainLogo() %}
  15.                 <div class="footer-main__title">{{ pimcore_input('footer-headline') }}</div>
  16.                 {{ pimcore_link('phone', {'class': 'mb-3 ' ~ (not editmode ? 'footer-main__contact-link' : '')}) }}
  17.                 {{ pimcore_link('mail', {'class': 'mb-3 ' ~ (not editmode ? 'footer-main__contact-link' : '')}) }}
  18.                 <address class="footer-main__address">
  19.                     {{ pimcore_textarea('address', {'nl2br': true}) }}
  20.                 </address>
  21.             </div>
  22.             {% if mainConfigLogo is not null and siteConfig.logo is not null and siteConfig.id != getMainConfig() %}
  23.                 <div class="col-md-2 justify-content-center justify-content-md-end align-items-center align-items-md-start d-flex">
  24.                     <div>
  25.                         <div>
  26.                             {{ siteConfig.logo.thumbnail('footer-logo').html({class: 'footer-main__logo' })| raw }}
  27.                         </div>
  28.                         {% if mainConfigLogo.id != siteConfig.logo.id %}
  29.                             <div style="margin-top:30px;">
  30.                                 {{ mainConfigLogo.thumbnail('footer-logo').html({class: 'footer-main__logo'})| raw }}
  31.                             </div>
  32.                         {% endif %}
  33.                     </div>
  35.                 </div>
  36.             {% elseif mainConfigLogo is not null and siteConfig.logo is null %}
  37.                 <div class="col-md-2 justify-content-center align-items-center align-items-md-start d-flex">
  38.                     {{ mainConfigLogo.thumbnail('footer-logo').html({class: 'footer-main__logo'})| raw }}
  39.                 </div>
  40.             {% elseif mainConfigLogo is not null and siteConfig.logo is not null and siteConfig.id == getMainConfig() %}
  41.                 <div class="col-md-2 justify-content-center align-items-center align-items-md-start d-flex">
  42.                     {{ mainConfigLogo.thumbnail('footer-logo').html({class: 'footer-main__logo'})| raw }}
  43.                 </div>
  44.             {% endif %}
  45.             {% if editmode or not pimcore_wysiwyg('footer-text').empty or not pimcore_input('footer-newsletter-headline').empty %}
  46.                 <div class="col-md-4 offset-md-1 mt-5 mt-md-0">
  47.                     <div class="footer-main__title">{{ pimcore_input('footer-newsletter-headline') }}</div>
  48.                     <div class="footer-main__text wysiwyg">
  49.                         {{ pimcore_wysiwyg('footer-text') }}
  50.                     </div>
  51.                     {% embed 'Includes/editmode-settings.html.twig' %}
  52.                         {% block additionalInfo %}
  53.                             <div>
  54.                                 <label>
  55.                                     Deactivate Newsletter
  56.                                     {{ pimcore_checkbox('deactivateNewsletterFooter', {
  57.                                         reload: true
  58.                                     }) }}
  59.                                 </label>
  60.                                 <label>
  61.                                     Numbirds Newsletter
  62.                                     {{ pimcore_checkbox('numbirdsNewsletter', {
  63.                                         reload: true
  64.                                     }) }}
  65.                                 </label>
  66.                             </div>
  67.                         {% endblock %}
  68.                     {% endembed %}
  69.                     {% if not pimcore_checkbox('deactivateNewsletterFooter').checked %}
  70.                         <form class="js-action-changer" action="/404" method="post" data-action="{{ siteConfig.newsletterRegistration }}">
  71.                             {% do jsConfig().add('actionChanger', true) %}
  72.                             {% if pimcore_checkbox('numbirdsNewsletter').checked %}
  73.                                 <input type="hidden" name="numbirds" value="1">
  74.                             {% endif %}
  75.                             <input hidden name="ignore-post" value="1">
  76.                             <div class="row mt-4 row--gutter-width-10">
  77.                                 <div class="col-md-7">
  78.                                     <input type="email" class="form-control footer-main__form-control" placeholder="{{ 'footer.E-Mail Adresse'|trans }}" aria-label="{{ 'footer.E-Mail Adresse'|trans }}" name="email">
  79.                                 </div>
  80.                                 <div class="col-md-5">
  81.                                     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary-light footer-main__submit-btn btn-block">
  82.                                         {{ 'footer.anmelden'|trans }}
  83.                                     </button>
  84.                                 </div>
  85.                             </div>
  86.                         </form>
  87.                     {% endif %}
  88.                 </div>
  89.             {% endif %}
  90.         </div>
  91.         {% if editmode or not pimcore_image('sponsorLogo').empty %}
  92.         <div class="row mt-5">
  93.             <div class="footer-main__sponsors col-12 d-flex flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap justify-content-around">
  94.                 {% if editmode or not pimcore_image('sponsorLogo2').empty %}
  95. {#                    <div class="embed-responsive">#}
  96.                         {{ pimcore_image('sponsorLogo2', {
  97.                             thumbnail: 'footer-sponsors-small',
  98.                             class: 'embed-responsive-item footer-main__sponsors-item'
  99.                         }) }}
  100. {#                    </div>#}
  101.                 {% endif %}
  102.                         {{ pimcore_image('sponsorLogo', {
  103.                             thumbnail: 'footer-sponsors',
  104.                             class: 'embed-responsive-item footer-main__sponsors-item'
  105.                         }) }}
  106.             </div>
  107.         </div>
  108.         {% endif %}
  109.         {% if editmode or not pimcore_wysiwyg('sponsor-logo-text').empty %}
  110.             <div class="row mt-5">
  111.                 <div class="col-md-12">
  112.                     <div class="w-100 d-flex justify-content-center wysiwyg">
  113.                         {{ pimcore_wysiwyg('sponsor-logo-text') }}
  114.                     </div>
  115.                 </div>
  116.             </div>
  117.         {% endif %}
  118.     </div>
  119. </div>