{% extends "Layout/default.html.twig" %}
{% block navigation %}
{{ include('Press/Includes/pressHeader.html.twig') }}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% set detailUrl = linkGenerator().generate(article) %}
{% do elements_canonical(detailUrl) %}
{% do elements_opengraph().setDescription(article.shortDescription ?: article.description) %}
{% if article.teaserImage %}
{% do elements_opengraph().addImage(article.teaserImage) %}
{% endif %}
{% do elements_head_title().setTitle(article.title, true) %}
{% do elements_head_meta().setDescription(chooseDescription(article.shortDescription, article.text), true) %}
{% if not detailUrl is same as(app.request.pathInfo) %}
{% do elements_robots().setNoIndex(true) %}
{% endif %}
{{ include('Includes/hero.html.twig', {
image: article.teaserImage
{{ include('Navigation/breadcrumb.html.twig') }}
{% set region = document.property('region') %}
{% set contactObject = null %}
{% if article.useDefaultContactBlock %}
{% if region and region.pressContactObject %}
{% set contactObject = region.pressContactObject %}
{% elseif region and region.contactObject %}
{% set contactObject = region.contactObject %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ include('Includes/main-title-block-with-contact.html.twig', {
title: article.title,
wysiwyg: article.shortDescription,
styleModifier: 'content-block container container-sm title-block--move-up',
contactBoxAuthor: article.author ? article.author.name : '',
contactBox: contactObject ? contactObject : {
logo: null,
contactName: article.contactName,
street: article.street,
zip: article.zip,
city: article.city,
phone: article.phone,
fax: article.fax,
mail: article.email,
website: article.website,
link1: article.link1,
link2: article.link2,
link3: article.link3
}) }}
{{ include('Includes/wysiwyg-area.html.twig', {
isTitleCentered: true,
styleModifier: 'content-block js-fade-in',
hasPressButtons: true,
content: article.text,
wishlistid: article.id,
wishlistTitle: article.title,
downloadLink: article.articleDocument|default(''),
wishlistActive: article.id in activePressArticlesWishlistIds|default([]),
}) }}
{{ include('Press/Includes/pressPictureTeaserGridArea.html.twig', {
title: 'press-detail.teaser grid title'|trans,
subtitle: 'press-detail.teaser grid subtitle'|trans,
items: article.documents,
}) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{% if not app.request.get('onlyInlineCss') %}
{{ include('Layout/includes/encore.html.twig', {
'staticDebugMode': staticDebugMode,
'file': 'js/press'
}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}